PledgeMusic offers artists and fans a new way to connect

This music platform creates engagement throughout the creative process, so that fans can feel closer than ever to the bands they love. Musicians are able to monetize their creative experience, expanding their offerings by including rare, personal, exclusive content and merchandise.


Artist Signup & Campaign Launch

Conveying value, information, and ultimately customer drive, this conversion point design utilizes custom illustrations, media, and expandable FAQ's for in page access. 



User Interface and Visual Design of a complex checkout flow with a wide variety of variables. We conducted user testing did multiple iterations before arriving at a user-flow that simplified our point of sale.


Artist Dashboard Concept Exploration

User Interface design of artist dashboard full of robust functionality. Guided experience presents user with ways to track progress, manage inventory, and track valuable analytics about their campaigns. Data visualization provides meaningful campaign information at a glance.


User Settings

User Interface Design of complex user setting panel, including numerous sections with customized display.

My Pledge 1.jpg
Artist Exclusives.png

Artist Reward Customizable Icon Set

PledgeMusic campaigns often occur before the artists rewards merchandise have been produced, I designed and implemented an extensive set of generic icons that could be customized by changing out the background imagery so they could be reused by many artists while remaining true to their branding.

Example Exclusives 2.png
Example Exclusives 1.png